In the realm of building analysis, triumph isn’t solely reliant on technical expertise; it equally depends on the tools at your disposal. At HomeTech Publishing, we understand that the choice of the right report is pivotal for your success so we created our own. Check out the HomeTech Building Analysis Report – your unparalleled, contractor-friendly, and budget-conscious home inspection solution.


The HomeTech Building Analysis Report – A Game-Changer

Imagine conducting over 100,000 home inspections each year using a report that not only streamlines the process but also ensures clarity for your clients and their agents. That’s the power of the HomeTech Building Analysis Report. It stands out as the most widely used and respected home inspection report in the industry today, surpassing the combined sales of our two biggest competitors.

Example Reports

Below are some examples of our 401, 402, 403 and 404 reports.


Ease of Use

One of the standout features of the HomeTech Building Analysis Report is its simplicity and user-friendly design. Our 20-page, 3 NCR copy report ensures clear communication between you, clients, and agents.

Practicality and Recognition

HomeTech Publishing understands that a well-organized report is a reflection of your professionalism. The glossy cover not only adds a touch of sophistication but also ensures that your report is instantly recognizable and appreciated by real estate agents across the country.

Economic Advantage

We believe that quality should not come at a high price. HomeTech Publishing offers the most economical solution for your home inspection reporting needs. Our reports cost as little as $11 per inspection report in quantity – a fraction of the cost compared to many other reporting systems. This cost-effectiveness ensures that you can provide top-notch reports without breaking the bank.


In the competitive world of home inspections, choosing the right tools is paramount. The HomeTech Building Analysis Report is a powerful companion that can elevate your business to new heights. Join the ranks of successful home inspectors who trust HomeTech Publishing and experience the ease, recognition, and cost-effectiveness of our industry-leading home inspection report. Your success is just a HomeTech report away!


American Home Inspector Training (AHIT) graduates can feel confident our easy-to-use Home Inspector Reports in the field.

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